Classes begin gardening in the fall, then once the harvest is done and the garden is “put to bed” for the winter, they transition inside for woodworking lessons. 

The world is a busy place and the garden provides the opportunity to take a deep breath, connect with the earth and our environment, and grow food - with all the challenges and rewards this entails! Watching worms flex and bend as the soil is turned over, munching on kale and chives, rolling oats for porridge, cleaning seeds for winter storage – these are tasks that form a connection to nature. Our Gardening Program engages students in meaningful tasks while they learn to care for the Earth and contribute to the greater community. Our students are active in all aspects of gardening: digging, mulching, composting, planting, weeding, hoeing, transplanting, seed saving, harvesting and enjoying the fruits of their labors.We take care to create a developmentally appropriate series of learning experiences that develops skills to last a lifetime.


Fiber Arts          Spanish         Music         Eurythmy        Movement         Woodworking         Technology