Whatcom Hills Blog

Posts tagged with Whatcom-Hills

  1. Play is Good For You!

    2020-08-24 03:15:49 UTC

    Feeling free Cats do it, dogs do it, squirrels do it, even octopuses do it…and so do we…play!  Besides improving health, lowering stress and just being plain fun, researchers now believe that play is hardwired deep in our brains and that it has a fundamental role in how we learn…

  2. The Promise of Youth

    2020-08-17 03:14:35 UTC

     Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth who care for and protect our people.  -Nelson Mandela WHWS Third Graders cleaning & felting wool together In…

  3. Finding Rhythm

    2020-08-09 23:54:05 UTC

    “Everything has rhythm. Everything dances.” ~ Maya Angelou A quiet moment at Whatcom Falls. In this time of COVID, where everything seems so upended, I have been thinking a lot about the grounding qualities of rhythm for our children and for ourselves. The grace of universal rhythms is expressed in…

  4. Finding Community

    2020-08-01 01:06:53 UTC

    Sweet moments together during the 2019-20 school year at Whatcom Hills Yesterday was International Friendship Day which made me think of how important connection is, especially during these strange and challenging times. Things that we took for granted like going out to dinner with a friend,  hugging an aging parent,…