Finding Community
August 1, 2020Yesterday was International Friendship Day which made me think of how important connection is, especially during these strange and challenging times. Things that we took for granted like going out to dinner with a friend, hugging an aging parent, having a birthday party, or attending a school festival or special event all take on a new significance now. Although we must all distance for health and safety it is more important than ever to stay connected. We at Whatcom Hills hope that you are able to find creative ways to reach out to those you love. Send a text or call someone you haven’t connected with for awhile, write an old fashioned letter and send via snail mail to a parent or grandparent, leave flowers on the doorstep of a neighbor, or bake together with friends over zoom. Remember through all of this to be a friend to yourself. Take good care by eating well, getting enough sleep, being kind to yourself and letting go of normal (whatever ‘normal’ is). We will get though this together!
- Becky Brownlie (Enrollment & Outreach)